The Lahore Ahmadiyya Islamic Movement
Showing Islam is Peaceful • Tolerant • Rational • Inspiring
www.ahmadiyya.orgA Research and Educational Website

New additions (going back from end of 2001)
1. Islam
2. Ahmadiyya Movement
3. Publications & Resources

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List of new additions going back from end of year 2001, when operating as

Year 2001:
21 December
20 December
11 December
26 November
16 November
Latest issue of The Light & Islamic Review
marking 50th anniversary of death of
Maulana Muhammad Ali
now in browseable html format
15 November
8 November
Latest issue of The Light & Islamic Review
marking 50th anniversary of death of
Maulana Muhammad Ali
26 October
Misconceptions about Islam removed
By Maulana Muhammad Ali:
1. Liberal view of other religions by Islam
2. What are the ‘maidens’ of paradise?
10 October
4 October
11 September
31 August
29 August
26 August
9 August
5 July
4 July
18 June
5 June
31 May
11 May
8 May
18 April
12 April
10 April
6 April
28 March
23 March
19 March
9 March
8 March
27 February
15 February
9 February
8 February
6 February
2 February
28 January
26 January
22 January
Year 2000:
21 December
18 December
18 December
9 November
7 November
2 November
1 November
17 October
16 October
12 October
2 October
25 Sept.
22 September, 14 September
(25 August 2000)
(23 August 2000)
Need of Imam of the Age
Translation of Zarurat-ul-Imam
by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
(24 July 2000)
(23 June 2000)
(22 June 2000)
(16 June 2000)
(12 June 2000)
(8 June 2000)
(2 June 2000)
(23 May 2000)
(16 May 2000)
(10 May 2000)
(9 May 2000)
(27 April 2000)
(25 April 2000)
(25 April 2000)

Supplement to the Evidence in Ahmadiyya Case
The Evidence and Supplement are the most comprehensive material ever produced in English on the beliefs of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and the Lahore Ahmadis

(14 April 2000)
(11 April 2000)
(5 April 2000)
(22 March 2000)
(3 March 2000)
(29 February 2000)
(17 February 2000)
(11 February 2000)
(7 February 2000)
(1 February 2000)
(26, 27 January 2000)
(26 January 2000)
Read these statements: one, two and three
where Qadiani leaders declared Hazrat Mirza as Mujaddid and Prophet Muhammad as Last Prophet.
(25 January 2000)
(25, 24 January 2000)
(21 January 2000)
New issue of ‘The Light and Islamic Review’
Official English organ of Lahore Ahmadiyya Anjuman since 1921
(25 December 1999)

Our literature in Albanian
Islam, The Religion of Humanity in Albanian

(23 December 1999)
(20 December 1999)